Musée monétaire cantonal (Cabinet des médailles)

Palais de Rumine / Place de la Riponne 6
1014 Lausanne 021 316 39 90 Palais de Rumine, Place de la Riponne 6. Bus n°1, 2, arrêt: rue Neuve; n°8, arrêt: Riponne-M. Béjart; métro M2, arrêt: Riponne-M. Béjart. Parking Riponne.

  • Parking
  • Public transportation
  • Adapted for families
  • Wheelchairs
  • Shop

Lay your money down!

03.12.2015 - 31.12.2022

The exhibition of the Money Museum «Lay your money down!» unveils, in a lively, interactive and up-to-date manner, the monetary history and the functions of money in the economy. In the exhibition hall, the central module invites the visitor to reflect on the role of the money. The thematic and chronological modules display small jewels emanating from the Vaud patrimony among other sources alongside imposing mechanisms utilized for striking coins.


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